Homeschool Creations

Friday, October 15, 2010

Preschool Corner ~ Our First School Break

Imagine my surprise when I sat down at the end of last week to start planning for the upcoming week and realized that we had already finished up seven weeks of school and it was one of our scheduled breaks!

We did plan to do some fun stuff this week though, including a trip to the pumpkin patch…until the trip was cancelled because of rain. Instead we spent several days playing with friends and re-organizing our rooms {good ol’ switchover to warmer clothing!!} and also straightening up our school area to get back in gear for our next block of school time. :)

Overall, not an exciting week in terms of sharing school plans, but still a fairly productive week in terms of ‘what Mommy thinks’.

What did YOU do this week?

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  • I had to bring out the warm clothes a couple weeks ago..been a bit chilly here but I love Fall =)

    By Blogger Crisc, At October 15, 2010 at 6:07 AM  

  • I've been going through all the warmer clothes here too. Hope this upcoming week of getting back into school is a good one for everyone!

    By Blogger Susana, At October 15, 2010 at 7:06 AM  

  • Sounds like a productive week! I love that you schedule in time for breaks. And thanks for the reminder about warmer clothes - I really need to get that done!

    By Blogger Nicole {tired, need sleep}, At October 15, 2010 at 9:34 AM  

  • Please can you remove my link ITSY BITSY LEARNERS!! I added the link to my store but it should have gone to my blogspot!! I am so sorry :( I thought I had copied before coming back here to put in my link ... that's what I get for multi tasking with a 4 year old and 1 year old I guess :( ... I'll add a new link once you remove the old one ... So sorry :(

    By Blogger Alison @ Educational Creations, At October 15, 2010 at 9:44 AM  

  • We're heading to the pumpkin patch tomorrow. No rain forecasted, but it might rain on Sunday...odd considering it was up to the 90s this past week. My younger one got a fever so we were homebound for most of the week. We also reorganized a room. Hope everyone enjoyed the school break.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At October 16, 2010 at 3:04 AM  

  • Sounds like a productive week! I love that you schedule in time for breaks. And thanks for the reminder about warmer clothes - I really need to get that done!

    By Anonymous Nicole {tired, need sleep}, At December 15, 2010 at 12:54 PM  

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