Homeschool Creations

Friday, October 1, 2010

Preschool Corner ~ The First Drawing

The big excitement of the week was that Kaleb started drawing with PURPOSE this week. He has been tracing the letters and lines over the last few weeks and coloring much more, but has never tried to create something on his own.

The last two weeks have been technology-void in our household {Mommy induced}. That has meant no tv, no Wii, no itouch…nada. Zilcho. Nothing.

As a result, the kids have been drawing and coloring up a storm and creating like crazy. Even though we’ve gone through a full ream of paper, I won’t complain! :)

Here is the result of Kaleb’s drawing and creating. Can you guess what it is?


Did you guess a helicopter? He’s just all excited to hang it on the fridge. :)

Interested in how our workboxes shaped up for the week? During the week I rotated between two different items in each of the boxes. The last box was our ‘special’ box that had he could play with AFTER he had finished his other boxes. Note: this workbox grid is a part of my free preschool planning forms.

Workbox Grid Week 9.26


We’re still going through the alphabet and reviewing the letters. This week we added F-K to the stack of letters. We continued to use our Grasshopper Preschool Prep Kit {ABC’s and Following Directions} for the gel tracing and letter fishing.

IMG_8217We have some acorns and Kaleb would roll the number die that we have {a 1” block with the number 1 through 6 written on the sides}. When he rolled a number, he tried to identify what number it was and then we worked on counting out that number of acorns using 1:1 correspondence.

Once the counting was finished, we had fun sorting the acorns by size {big/small}, by color and seeing which color we had more of.

Kaleb also had a BLAST participating in our science experiment with us this week. I had to print of his own personal copy of the recording sheet so he could color along with us. Ever since, he’s been asking to ‘do science’. :)


The weather was a little icky at the end of the this week, so on Thursday we played LOTS and lots of games. :)

Next week I’ll have the first half of my do-a-dot pages for you all ~ ready to share. Still working on the last half, but hang in there!

In Our Workboxes

Here are some of the things that were in Kaleb’s workboxes this week.

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