Homeschool Curriculum Choices 2010-2011
This year our oldest three {Zachary ~1st, McKenna ~ 3rd, & Laurianna ~ 4th grade} will be working together and focusing on Early American History. This list focuses on the curriculum that we will be using for our older three {preschool excluded…since I’m still tweaking that!}. Otherwise, this is what we have in place for each subject this coming year along with the how often we’ll be working on that subject each week.
Language ~ First Language Lessons was a great addition to our library last year. I love the scripted lessons and the depth that they cover {making it easier for me!}. Zachary will be working through FLL Year 1 and both girls will be working through First Language Lessons Year 3. Is it wrong to say that I am almost giddy that the girls will be learning how to diagram this year?
If you are using First Language Lessons Years 1 & 2 don’t forget the poem printables I made to go along with the memorization. I’m working on the ones for Level 3 right now and will share them soon! {Daily}
Math ~ Teaching Textbooks is our primary curriculum for the girls. They have been working on lessons this summer and should be moving up to the next level mid-year. For now, McKenna is using Teaching Textbooks Level 3 and Laurianna is using Teaching Textbooks Level 4.
Zachary will be using ABeka Arithmetic 1. He really liked it last year, so we’ll continue it now until he is ready to move into Teaching Textbooks. {Daily}
History ~ This is the ‘core’ of what we’ll be focusing on this year. We’re blending two things together ~ Homeschool in the Woods Time Traveler’s units and Beautiful Feet Early American History for primary grades.
The literature, read-alouds and independent reading choices for the year will primarily come from the Beautiful Feet book choices. Our hands-on activities and lapbooks will all be from Homeschool in the Woods and their Time Traveler’s units {they are absolutely amazing!}. We’re starting with New World Explorers and working up all the way through the early 19th Century. {Daily}
Science ~ This is one area that I am very excited about this year! We’ll be using Nancy Larson Science 1. Science 1 can cover between ages 5 to 9, so we can all use this together {hooray!}. During the year, we’ll be focusing on Life Science {bug, trees, human body and more}. The Science 1 Homeschool kit comes with everything I’ll need to use for the entire year…so I don’t have to go searching for things to do our projects and lessons! {Bi-Weekly}
Spelling ~ It shouldn’t be a surprise that we will be using All About Spelling this year. :) We’re working on Level 1 with Zachary and Level 3 with the girls. As they progress through the level, we’ll move onto the next one. We’re also going to be using All About Homophones with everyone during the year. {Bi-Weekly}
Handwriting ~ A Reason for Handwriting was new to us last year and the kids enjoyed it. The girls will be continuing with cursive with Levels C & D. Zachary will be working on printing with Level A. We will also continue to use ABeka K4 cursive for him since he has enjoyed learning cursive {grins}. {Daily}
Bible ~ All four kids will be attending Awana again this year, so we’ll be learning the verses that go along with their books and using our Awana printables and I’ll be making more to go along with the Cubbies book, Truth & Training and the new SkyStormer book.
I’m also working on some more family time devotions that will incorporate the Seeds Family Worship CDs, but have yet to sit down and get all my thought out for that. {Daily}
Writing ~ The girls will be using Complete Writer Level 4 and Zachary will be using Complete Writer Level 1. These are books that I have cut the binding off and can duplicate to use with other children since they have a copyright permission for families. {Daily}
Independent Reading ~ The girls will be reading books that are suggested in Beautiful Feet. Zachary will be working on our All About Reading books {and I can’t wait for their new program to be released this fall!!}.
Spanish ~ All three kids will work on Rosetta Stone Latin America Level 1 {Homeschool version}. The homeschool program allows up to 10 users to work on the program at their own pace, so Rick and I are planning to work along on Spanish also. Should any of the kids finish Level 1, we’ll move onto Level 2. {Bi-Weekly}
PE ~ We’ll hopefully be participating in a class at a local college again and also have classes at co-op. {2-3 times Weekly}
Art ~ Twice a month we’ll be doing an artist study and using the book Discovering Great Artists by MaryAnn Kohl to try our hand at some different art techniques. The book has art activities for kids based on famous artist along with a brief bio on each artist.
Additional Resources:
If you are unfamiliar with some of the curriculum choices/names above, you can follow the links below to learn about a few of the products that I’ve previously written reviews for. I will be sharing more about Nancy Larson Science and Homeschool in the Woods soon and will update these links as I do.
- All About Spelling
- Teaching Textbooks
- All About Reading
- Rosetta Stone Homeschool
- First Language Lessons printables
- Awana verse printables
- Seed Family Worship
Linking to:

Labels: Curriculum Choices, Curriculum helps, Our Classroom
Thanks for sharing your choices! I noted some of them to think about for my 3rd grader.
Twisted Cinderella, At
July 11, 2010 at 8:41 AM
Sounds great! You've chosen many of the things I plan to use down the road. I look forward to reading about the experiences you and the kids will have this year.
RockerMom, At
July 11, 2010 at 9:38 AM
I have a son going into Cubbies this year, so I a very interested in your printables you will be making. :-)
Mama Fish, At
July 11, 2010 at 9:57 AM
We are doing the SAME EXACT THING for history!! My girls are grade 4 and 1. I love both Beautiful Feet and Homeschool in the Woods! I think I will look into A Reason for Handwriting. Thank you so much for sharing!!
Amber, At
July 11, 2010 at 10:02 AM
I am really liking Homeschool in the Woods products as I download samples. :) It will be on my Wish List.
Kelly, At
July 11, 2010 at 10:25 AM
Thanks so much for sharing your poem link, we are using FLL this year as well. I am printing them off now on card stock and am going to laminate them!
Sam, At
July 11, 2010 at 10:49 AM
Ahh...I just love reading what others are using. I have followed you for awhile now and you have really helped me to decide what to use for my first grader, thanks! We are using AAS and FLL. I have not heard of Homeschool in the Woods or Beautiful Feet...I am intrigued. I can't switch now, we start back tomorrow, lol. But, it will be something to think about for the future. I have also printed and laminated your FLL printables...thanks again for all your help and inspiration!
Julie, At
July 11, 2010 at 12:33 PM
Ahhh, how I love this time of year. Everyone sharing their curriculum.
We love, love, love FLL and WWE here. Mackenzie loved the diagraming last year. She was a little bummed when the book was finished. And most of her free reading choice came from the WWE selections. She wanted to read more. LOL
I'm totally jealous that you use All About Spelling. I'm drooling over that. My dd is an excellent speller so there's no reason for us to switch from Spelling Power at this late date. (She's 9.) I'm so getting it for my youngest one day. She's only 2 though so I have to wait. Sigh...
Stefanie, At
July 11, 2010 at 1:58 PM
I enjoyed reading through your list! It's always interesting to me to see other moms' game plans:) I feel like I am in perpetual research mode when it comes to homeschool I am SO excited about our choices for this fall, too, I can hardly wait!
Lora @ my blessed life, At
July 11, 2010 at 3:05 PM
Thanks for taking the time to write this all up and share it. It is so nice to see what others are doing. Because of your comments about All About Spelling I am looking into that, since I have not chosen anything for spelling yet. I am trying to decide on a Spanish curriculum, I always planned to use Rosetta Stone when my kids got a bit older, but I noticed that you mentioned Zachary using it too.
Kami, At
July 11, 2010 at 3:35 PM
Looks like a great year planned!! I am sure you guys will have a blast! Are you going to share your plans for Kaleb? I hope so!!
Anonymous, At
July 11, 2010 at 8:32 PM
Yay!! I can't wait to see your posts about history! We are using Time Travelers with TruthQuest History and we'll be starting in mid-September. Please tell me you're starting earlier than we are and will blog all about it!! :)
Valerie, At
July 11, 2010 at 9:39 PM
I looked at your link for the First Language Lessons Level 3. Do I get the teacher book, the workbook or both? Thanks!
Missouri Mommy, At
July 12, 2010 at 8:01 AM
Looks like a great line-up for this year! I shared our 6th grade choices for Gracie the other week and will be sharing Ashley's stuff probably next week. I need to put some more organized thoughts together for preschool for Ian. If you have ideas, send them my way! :)
Heidi, At
July 12, 2010 at 8:34 AM
This is great! I need to sit down and do the same thing this week! Looking at using TT for my rising 5th grader. Do you find they are right on grade level? She has previously been using Right Start.
stacey29lincoln, At
July 12, 2010 at 8:40 AM
I enjoy your blog and all the helpful things you blog about, so I gave you an award: Blog with Substance. :)
Jamie {See Jamie blog}, At
July 12, 2010 at 9:37 AM
Thank you for sharing what you will be doing. :) By the way, I have given you an award! Have a blessed day!
Joy, At
July 12, 2010 at 9:41 AM
We have some of the same curriculum...First Language Lessons and All About Spelling. Love both of them!
Our Homeschool Reviews, At
July 12, 2010 at 3:05 PM
Thanks so much for sharing what your homeschool plans are for the year- it is so much fun for me to see what others are doing & realize I am not alone in the homeschool world!
Our Family for His Glory, At
July 12, 2010 at 4:40 PM
Hey! I gave you an award on my blog! It is my very first one so I am happy to pass it on!
Our Homeschool Reviews, At
July 13, 2010 at 12:06 PM
We are currently using Horizons phonics program. It ends with 2nd grade and I need to find something else for my son to use. Even after going through these books I don't feel that he knows much about grammar. I don't even think he could tell you what a noun is. Unfortunatly I don't know much about grammar either, somehow I was not taught that in school. This makes it extremly difficult to make any decisions on a program! Do you think First Language Lessons would be a good fit? Should I start him out with level one? We are also doing all avout spelling this year starting wil level one as he can't spell at all! I'm think he is slightly dyslexic and has made compensations to learn how to read but nothing else. Any help would be appreciated!
Bekki, At
July 13, 2010 at 11:51 PM
I've been wondering where all the homeschool blogs were... I think I just found the JACKPOT under your "Blogs I Love" section.
We start our first year, Kindergarten, this year. I am thinking of getting Sonlight Cirriculum... Have you ever used it? It is a bit expensive, but I think we can manage it. I just can't see being "cheap" with my kids education! But what do I know, I'm a beginner?
Stop by and see me some time... I am glad I found you :)
Anonymous, At
July 14, 2010 at 12:33 AM
Looks like a great list! I enjoyed seeing what your family will be up to.
Brenna, At
July 14, 2010 at 9:51 AM
Thanks so much for posting this. I am looking at a few homeschool plans for the fall and organizing my own. Although I think I have it kinda settled.
L Harris, At
July 14, 2010 at 11:11 PM
Thanks for posting your curriculum. We also use All About Spelling. We are using Queen Homeschool Language Lessons~beautiful pictures with each lesson. Thanks for your workbox printables too! Love them :)
Nancy, At
July 15, 2010 at 1:23 AM
Wow, what a great list, looks like you will have a great year. Very interested in checking out your AWANA printables, I will have 3 in AWANA again this year. Since your studying American History I thought I would pass along that I am hosting a Statehood Postcard Swap if your interested stop by. Oh and if you need a suggestion for Art, I found a great site, Art Projects for Kids ( that we are going to be using along with Artistic Pursuits.
A Stable Beginning, At
July 25, 2010 at 8:47 AM
Sounds like you are ready to go. There are a couple links I"m going to check out. Thanks for sharing.
Kim @ Homesteader's Heart, At
August 2, 2010 at 7:31 AM
Jolanthe, thanks for ALL that you do to share and inspire others in homeschooling. Hey, I have a question....I would LOVE to start my daughter with All About Spelling. Would you, personally, recommend starting with level one or would you just jump to another level? Thanks so much!
Lori, At
August 2, 2010 at 12:48 PM
I'm glad to see your blog on the NOT Back-to-School blog hop, although I stop by here every once in a while to see what's new. I set up a workfolder for my 6th grader based right off of your workfolder post from last year. I plan to post about it as part of my week 2 School Room post for the blog hop. Thank you.
Robin E., At
August 2, 2010 at 3:18 PM
I loved reading about what you'll be using. I don't blame you for feeling giddy about diagramming sentences... I'm looking forward to that, too! ;)
Have you already started using Rosetta Stone with the kids? It's something I'm thinking about using and would love all the comments and advice I can get.
Have a great year!
MamaGames - Alexa C., At
August 2, 2010 at 9:26 PM
We've used Discovering Great Artists and really enjoyed it. Sounds like a great plan.
Joey, At
August 4, 2010 at 10:46 AM
Your year sounds great. I love Beautiful Feet's Early American history. I used it with my daughter a few years ago.
Lucy, At
August 6, 2010 at 3:03 PM
I'm stopping by from the blog hop and really enjoyed seeing your picks for this year. I'm following you now with GF. I hope it's a wonderful school year.
Catherine, At
August 7, 2010 at 1:46 AM
I loved reading about what you'll be using. I don't blame you for feeling giddy about diagramming sentences... I'm looking forward to that, too! ;)
Have you already started using Rosetta Stone with the kids? It's something I'm thinking about using and would love all the comments and advice I can get.
Have a great year!
MamaGames, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
Thanks for posting your curriculum. We also use All About Spelling. We are using Queen Homeschool Language Lessons~beautiful pictures with each lesson. Thanks for your workbox printables too! Love them :)
Nancy, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
I am really liking Homeschool in the Woods products as I download samples. :) It will be on my Wish List.
K-tribe, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
I have a son going into Cubbies this year, so I a very interested in your printables you will be making. :-)
Mama Fish, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
Looks like a great line-up for this year! I shared our 6th grade choices for Gracie the other week and will be sharing Ashley's stuff probably next week. I need to put some more organized thoughts together for preschool for Ian. If you have ideas, send them my way! :)
Heidi, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
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