Preschool Corner ~ Preschool Workbox Cards
I’m supposed to be packing.
Obviously I’m not.
We leave tomorrow to visit with family for the next week and there are bucketloads of things that I should be doing, and truckloads of things that I would rather be doing.
This last week has been full of fun for Kaleb ~ lots of swimming to ward off the over 100 degrees that have been sweltering our area. AND we went on a family date to see Toy Story 3.
Once Mommy got over the sticker shock of how much it is to see a movie these days, it was all ok. {Ok, really, I’m still in shock}. But the movie was wonderful and if you had been there with us, you would have noticed me dabbing my eyes to sop up the tears. It’s one we will see again…but only after it’s out on video.
I’ve been putting the finishing touches on our new workbox weekly grid system and since Kaleb is all excited about Toy Story now…I made some new workbox cards for him to use that are based on the movie characters. The Preschool Workbox Number Cards have been edited to add a new page of numbers, so the set now includes Toy Story 3, Monsters Inc, Nemo, Chicken Little and A Bug’s Life:
click on the pictures to download the pdf file
Kaleb will only have one sheet with his workboxes and still use the number system this year. It’s just easier for him and will help him with identifying his numbers and sequencing, so we’re going to stick with it. I’ll be sharing more about how we’re working on chores with him too ~ soon.
But first I need to get us packed for vacation.
Check back in next week and I’ll {hopefully} share more with you all! :) You never know…I might get all caught up in vacation and post about completely random things! Have a great week and thanks for joining in the Preschool Corner!
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Labels: Preschool Corner, Workbox Printables
Robbie is Toy Story crazy, too (in case you haven't noticed from the pictures this past year). I love your workbox methods! Thanks for sharing.
RockerMom, At
July 9, 2010 at 5:48 AM
These are great. If I ever got my act together, I would participate in these kind of link-ups. ;0) I admire your organizational skills.
I don't know if you have a drive-in nearby, but movies are so much cheaper that way! We saw Toy Story 3 at the drive-in on Father's Day. Only $12 for all 5 of us to see it! Plus, the baby and the toddler can move around in the car and make as much noise as they want without bothering anyone else. We brought all our own snacks, too. Fun experience!
I cried, too, btw. I just don't want to think about my babies growing up so fast!
Have a fun vacation!
Sara @ Embracing Destiny, At
July 9, 2010 at 6:20 AM
those are great printables!
I know movies are soo expensive. we went and saw the last airbender it was great! luckly it was the 5 day showing, and food isn't too bad at the studio grill movies. so it was lunch and movie date with the girls.
have a great family trip!
Gidget Girl Reading, At
July 9, 2010 at 7:35 AM
Awesome printables my kids are going to LOVE THEM! I close my eyes when I know how much it costs for us to all see a movie is about to pop up. I don't even want to know UGH! We are watching Toy Story 2 tonight! Can't wait to see them both.
Have a blessed trip!
Love you,
Unknown, At
July 9, 2010 at 8:06 AM
Love the printables! Have a wonderful vacation!
Nicole {tired, need sleep}, At
July 9, 2010 at 9:02 AM
oh these are cute! Thanks so much! We haven't seen the movie yet, for the same reason...price!!! Maybe when the grandparents come to visit. =0)
cooperkelly4, At
July 9, 2010 at 10:01 AM
Hope you have a super trip and you're all packed by the time you read this:-).
I really like your workbox system you posted this week--it's got me thinking--thanks for sharing the ideas and printables for it too!
Susana, At
July 9, 2010 at 10:10 AM
Ohh very cool!!
Anonymous, At
July 9, 2010 at 11:03 AM
Thank you so much for the Toy Story cards! I had thought of making my own- eventually. Now you've gone and done it!
Manda, At
July 9, 2010 at 3:28 PM
We just got our new curriculum today. I will be a busy bee too! First though I hope to get through our vacation. I am so looking forward to being able to go take in a movie again!
Debbie, At
July 9, 2010 at 10:32 PM
I left you an award on my blog, enjoy :)
Asashia, At
July 10, 2010 at 9:29 PM
We haven't seen Toy Story 3 yet, but plan on it this week because we're studying the letter T and toys. You're right about movies being so expensive. We don't usually go together as a family because of that very reason. I usually take Monkey See at the first viewing at around 11:00 AM, and it costs $13. I usually buy a small popcorn for us to share and sneak a drink in my purse (I know...I'm bad!).
Unknown, At
July 12, 2010 at 9:22 AM
Thank you so much for the Toy Story cards! I had thought of making my own- eventually. Now you've gone and done it!
Manda, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
oh these are cute! Thanks so much! We haven't seen the movie yet, for the same reason...price!!! Maybe when the grandparents come to visit. =0)
cooperkelly4, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
These are great. If I ever got my act together, I would participate in these kind of link-ups. ;0) I admire your organizational skills.
I don't know if you have a drive-in nearby, but movies are so much cheaper that way! We saw Toy Story 3 at the drive-in on Father's Day. Only $12 for all 5 of us to see it! Plus, the baby and the toddler can move around in the car and make as much noise as they want without bothering anyone else. We brought all our own snacks, too. Fun experience!
I cried, too, btw. I just don't want to think about my babies growing up so fast!
Have a fun vacation!
Embracing Destiny, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
Ohh very cool!!
Lindsay, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:01 PM
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