Preschool Corner ~ Uppercase & Lowercase Matching Printables
Note: There will not be a Preschool Corner the next two Fridays {December 25th or January 1st}. We’ll be busy enjoying the holidays with our family. If you are still having preschool time with your kiddos, keep posting! You can link up those posts when we return on January 8th! Otherwise, the linky will be open until then.
Merry Christmas!!
I am SO loving this printable! Zachary is doing pretty well matching upper and lowercase letters, but still has trouble with a few letters at times, so I put these together to help him out.
Click on thumbnail to download the printable.
The set has 14 pages of cards{4 cards to a page} with two full sets of alphabet cards. One set that can be cut in half to use as ‘puzzle matching’ and the other can be used as flashcards. Each card has the uppercase letter in the top left corner and the matching lowercase letter in the lower right corner. The cards have a picture in the center that begins with that letter sound. Puzzle cards have a faint gray line down the middle to use as a cutting guide. We’ve printed ours off on cardstock and laminated them to make them stronger.
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Labels: Alphabet Time, Early Learning Printables, Preschool Corner, Preschool Printables
Thanks for sharing these Jolanthe!
Susana, At
December 18, 2009 at 8:42 AM
Maybe its just me but I can't download that printable. Sammy is just starting to learn which lowercase goes with which uppper case. I love that there is an image on the cards to help him learn.
Anonymous, At
December 18, 2009 at 9:23 AM
I can't get the printable to download:(
Unknown, At
December 18, 2009 at 9:28 AM
Glad it just wasn't me, i can't download them either...
Anonymous, At
December 18, 2009 at 9:48 AM
Is there anyway to make these for cursive writing? I love these! Thanks for sharing these!
mommy4, At
December 18, 2009 at 5:07 PM
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mommy4, At
December 18, 2009 at 5:07 PM
These could also make a fun file folder game I bet. Great ideas as usual.
Ticia, At
December 19, 2009 at 12:14 AM
Thank you for creating and sharing such a fantastic resource.
Elise, At
December 20, 2009 at 9:42 PM
Sorry that I was later to link up, it has been a busy & wonderful weekend with our church family!
I can't wait until we start back up in the New Year, those printables are great!
Anonymous, At
December 21, 2009 at 11:50 AM
I have a question. How old can our child be before they no longer qualify for "preschool"? Chloe is going to be 5 this year - and I was wondering how long I can keep adding to the preschool corner? What comes after preschool corner? Ok - that was really 3 questions. Thank you. :)
Deborah, At
January 2, 2010 at 6:13 AM
OH, thanks!!! I really needed these and found some calendar ideas from your friend that I linked to today as well!!! VERY helpful for a co-op class I am leading!! I'm thinking about dipping my toe into Workboxes after hearing Sue Patrick speak last week. I was a bit overwhelmed that night and the next day as I tried to process the idea, but after seeing your folder idea I'm thinking I might buy her book after all. I am thinking I can use these letter matching printables for my two youngest sons. Thank you so much! JUST what I was looking for here after the first week of co-op class didn't go so great and I need more independent type things for my group to do. Didn't want to invest lots of time in something...but these can be reused with Workboxes I'm thinking. :)
Christie, At
January 16, 2010 at 5:37 PM
I came across these fabulous graphics today and have already started to make a set of wooden cards for my 3 year old. The idea for wooden cards to be used as learning tools and building blocks comes from this wonderful link -
and I have been looking for a great bunch of pictures to go along with it. If I waited until I gathered my own pictures from around the house she'd be in 7th grade before I finished the project.
I hope others try to make the same set of cards although even on card stock these are great. Thank you so much.
I'm even doing the colors and found some colorful number graphics as well.
Drue, At
March 4, 2010 at 10:32 AM
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