Sharing is Caring Widget
You may have all noticed the little widget that I have at the bottom of my posts. Several of you all have emailed and asked how I put it there ~ and others of you might wonder what in the world it’s there for. I like it because it pops-up, but that’s just me}. This is the one that I’m talking about:
Why use social bookmarking tools?
Social bookmarks are a great way to organize and search through various web resources ~ basically just sharing great references that you find. You can keep your bookmarks private or share them with others.
~ quick way to share links with others via Facebook, Twitter, email and morewhen you find something that you really like
~ great way to save information for future use {I store things I find for later in our studies}
~ can email yourself or others a great link that you find ~ I do this with recipes or fun game ideas
Want to add the sharing widget to your own blog? I opted for the ‘Sharing is caring!’ logo rather than the original ‘Sharing is se*xy ~ just didn’t seem to fit the overall theme of my blog, you know? Here are two great tutorials that will show you:
Sharing Social Bookmark Tool ~ this is the main tutorial that even includes blinking text to show you where you need to insert your own links {facebook, twitter, email, etc…}.
Sharing logo ~ this post provides the image code to use to replace the image with the ‘Sharing is Caring!’ image
You can also choose to delete the ‘sharing’ image and just have the buttons all by their little lonesome. Find the following code in your html {once you have the above coding installed} and change it as below.
background:url('') no-repeat left bottom;
Replace the line in red above with the following line:
background:url(;) no-repeat left
Note: Several of you have asked too about my widget being shorter than the one in the tutorial. I deleted several of the ‘pop-up’ buttons. For example, in the first part of the tutorial {the long coding section}, I deleted the sections that I didn’t want buttons for {reddit, yahoo, etc…}.
If you’d like the html coding that I used for the second section, please leave a comment with your email address and I can send it to you. I removed it because of some of the emails I was receiving ~ not exactly ones I’d like to get!
That’s it! Have fun installing it!
Labels: Blogging Tips
wonderful! Adding this to my "things to do to my blog when I amazingly have time." It's a dream. Or, I'll hire you to fix it all, that's my wonder dream.
Ticia, At
May 12, 2010 at 10:13 AM
Very cool. I saw it on your blog and was wondering about do I need to know what all those little pop-ups are for? I only recognize the ones like twitter, rss, facebook, and the little envelope...have no clue about the others...
Mama Jenn, At
May 12, 2010 at 10:49 AM
Thanks Jolanthe! I added it! It's slightly too long. I tried to adjust the pixel width in the code, but that made it freak out. Oh well :) I noticed that you only have a few of the buttons. Did you delete some of the code to leave out some of them? I also don't know what all of these social networking sites are. I'm so behind! :)
Catherine, At
May 12, 2010 at 11:17 AM
Thanks for updating your post! I also got your Tweet about adding my email address, and I did that too. This has been a very productive blog day for me. :) Now onto being productive in reality... :)
Catherine, At
May 12, 2010 at 1:34 PM
Hi: I was just showing my husband your blog when we scrolled down and saw lists for HTML with "sexy bookmark" and such. Not sure what's going on, but I thought you'd want to know!
Jenni R., At
May 13, 2010 at 3:44 PM
Hey was just doing research on this widget and came across your site! :)
Can you help me with installing it?! You can either email me: dutchbeingme {at} gmail {dot} com - or just find me on twitter @dutchbeingme (day or night it seems...) I know I'm one of your "followers" on there through Relevant (I think).
Unknown, At
May 26, 2010 at 4:46 PM
I tried to shorten it myself, but, um, it didn't work. I'd be interested in the coding. :D
Michelle Gibson, At
June 9, 2010 at 8:43 PM
hey there! Thanks for this great post! I would love the html on how to shorten it..
but a quick question... the image i uploaded to my photobucket with the images includes all the icons... wont deleting the icons in the html just create a broken area ?
Nadia, At
July 2, 2010 at 3:49 PM
hi thanks for sharing this with world.
Thanks Again
Addy, At
August 6, 2010 at 1:46 AM
I just came across this post by doing research on this widget. Great site! I'll definitely be coming back again, and thanks for the informative post.
Melody Moser, At
December 11, 2010 at 8:06 AM
I just came across this post by doing research on this widget. Great site! I'll definitely be coming back again, and thanks for the informative post.
Melody Moser, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
hey there! Thanks for this great post! I would love the html on how to shorten it..
but a quick question... the image i uploaded to my photobucket with the images includes all the icons... wont deleting the icons in the html just create a broken area ?
Nadia@FunWithMama, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
Thanks Jolanthe! I added it! It's slightly too long. I tried to adjust the pixel width in the code, but that made it freak out. Oh well :) I noticed that you only have a few of the buttons. Did you delete some of the code to leave out some of them? I also don't know what all of these social networking sites are. I'm so behind! :)
Catherine, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
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