The Preschool Corner

Labels: Preschool Corner
Labels: Preschool Corner
Labels: Kaleb, Tot School
Labels: Homeschool Memoirs
Some of the books that we used this week
Labels: Asia, Geography, Geography Printables, India, Notebook and Worksheets
Click image to download the India flag printable
Books We Used
Websites We Used
Labels: Asia, Geography, Geography Printables, India, Notebook and Worksheets, Video Clips
I'm off to start digging through their bins, because the dollar bins and low shipping are calling to me right now (and yes, I have lots of books, but I have this ! Just wanted to pass along a great deal to you all!
Labels: Homeschool Crew, Homeschooling Tools, Opinions and Reviews, Reviews: Teacher Resources
Here is our completed project in action. Be warned: Screaming toddler and swinging lens cap may disrupt your viewing pleasure.
Labels: Japan, Lapbooks, Video Clips, Volcanoes
Labels: Geography, Geography Printables, Notebook and Worksheets
Labels: Fun Stuff
What was a little hard for me:
Overall, I think that this site has a LOT of potential. My kids aren't at the age yet where this would be necessary for them to conduct safe searches on the internet, but I can definitely see where that would be a huge benefit to me as a parent.
If you are interested in finding out more, you can visit the HelpMe2Teach website or contact Elaine directly - be sure to mention you want the 2 for 1 special when you ask a question or sign up!
You can also see other reviews
of this site at the Homeschool Crew blog.
Labels: Homeschool Crew, Opinions and Reviews
Labels: Alphabet Time, Letter Ee, Preschool Corner
The stacking cups came out again, but this time Kaleb wanted to fit them all back into each other which he did wonderfully, pulling out the ones needed to sort them by size.
Some new animal magnets were also added to the fridge to play with. Kaleb didn't want to play the way I wanted to play, so we had fun pulling them off the fridge and putting them in a bag and counting them together instead.
That's it for this week (at least the pictured part). Thanks for stopping by!
Labels: Kaleb, Tot School