Guidecraft Mom Bloggers!!
You may have noticed a new little button in my sidebar that I am so VERY excited about! Starting this month, I’m joining a group of ladies to be a part of the Guidecraft Mom Bloggers. Recognize any of the other faces below?
Many of the ladies participating with Guidecraft are writers for the Totally Tots blog. Throughout the upcoming year we will be reviewing some great educational toys and sharing our reviews and as well as giveaways with you all.
The big kick-off event is the Guidecraft Back to School Twitter Party on September 28th where we will give away TWO $500 gift certificates to Guidecraft along with a some other great prizes. If you haven’t already joined Twitter and started Tweeting about it ~ start now!! Your tweet could win you this great Magnetos set!!
You can read more about all of the other FABULOUS Guidecraft Mom Bloggers here and learn more about the Guidecraft Twitter party here.
oo yay very excited!!
Anonymous, At
September 13, 2010 at 3:44 PM
Very neat! I love Guidecraft! The rainbow water and sand blocks are current favorites with my 3 year old and 1 year old. ;0)
Sara @ Embracing Destiny, At
September 14, 2010 at 3:36 AM
oo yay very excited!!
Lindsay, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
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