Preschool Corner ~ Slow Going
I almost got online earlier this week to tell you that I was about ready to throw everything out the window preschool-wise and just let Kaleb run around all crazy-like and watch t.v. forever and ever. Amen.
And until about mid-day Wednesday I just wanted to cry. Every single thing that I asked Kaleb to do resulted in crying, whining, fussing, more whining…and then a certain Mommy was in a non-too-happy mood because of said behavior. Everything I want to do with him ~ he thinks is for babies.
In his defense, he still isn’t feeling quite ‘right’…but right before lunch time on Wednesday he finally started getting a teensy bit excited and wanted to do something school-related {read a book with me and do a puzzle}. Our biggest problem is he wants to do what the big kids are doing…and there is really no way that he can participate in many of the things they are doing.
{Have I encouraged you enough yet???}
Thursday he actually participated in our morning calendar and I didn’t hear any complaining from him, so apparently we’re starting to get a little something going. He really does like the new telling time printable on our calendar and morning board {even though he can’t tell time yet} but if he wants to try to work on it, that’s ok with me!
Did you week go any more smoothly? :)
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Labels: Preschool Corner
Just glad to hear we're aren't the only ones feeling that way! We actually started preschool in mid-august and then quickly backed away ... but, slowly and surely, signs are starting to appear that we're ready :-)
Hope next week goes smoother!
K E Fleck, At
September 3, 2010 at 5:40 AM
I am getting that attitude with my second grader! This is our first year homeschooling, and I keep threatening to call the b&m school to send him back! Thanks for sharing. I LOVE your blog and have used many ideas so far. I am looking into the morning board from yesterday. I like the idea of a routine to get you in the 'mood' for school! Thanks for all the great stuff here!
Anonymous, At
September 3, 2010 at 6:35 AM
Oh I feel for you. I had that and still do at times with my K. I think it is always worse when we start back after a break. Getting back into it is always hard. I've been toying with the idea of year round schooling to try and help with that alittle.
Here's hoping for a better week next week.
Kylie, At
September 3, 2010 at 6:44 AM
I think the beginning of the year is always tough... getting back into routines after summer fun. I remember fighting it too!
Thanks for the linky. :)
Counting Coconuts, At
September 3, 2010 at 7:09 AM
May I let you know what I've learned...the hard way?
I have learned to let the children come to you when they "want to do school." Especially the later born children. My 2nd and 3rd have done a lot of playing at. I would seldom plan anything for the Pre-K age (mainly cause I'm not as organized and with it as you! :) ) But this has worked for us. Yes, when I first took on this approach I was worried that they would never be on track but my almost 7 year old 2nd child - whose first "real" school year is this year - is doing amazing! But I never pressured her and I've done the same with my 3rd who is a boy.
Although I'm sorry you've had a not so fun week with Pre-K I know that things will get better. Let him go at his own pace. My little guy who will be 5 in a couple of weeks begs to "do school" every day...I know yours will too. :) his time.
And, yes, it is nice to know that all homeschool Mommies go through stuff like this!
Praying for a better day for ya!
(And didn't mean to write so much! Sorry!!)
Krissy, At
September 3, 2010 at 7:27 AM
yea it is def. tough to get things started in the beginning of the year. We are starting on the 13th and I think its going to be tough!
Anonymous, At
September 3, 2010 at 7:56 AM
Really? You have days like I have? It is true that getting started can be hairy. At this point we do 'school' when and where ever the opportunity seems right.
Kaleb's advantage is that he is atleast in a learning environment with his older siblings.
You are doing above and beyond what most moms do... I think.
You know, when I wake up in the morning. I go to my inbox and Homeschool Creations is the first click! I love it.
Sharon, At
September 3, 2010 at 7:56 AM
I think we all have had days/weeks like this. It could be an adjustment to being back in the swing of things or just a phase he's going through. Hang in there, mama! I know it's so frustrating when you've planned things that you think he'll love and be excited about and he's not. Hopefully next week will be better for you! I have to admit....I'm happy to hear that we're not the only ones to have days like this!
Stacy, At
September 3, 2010 at 8:31 AM
I have had the exact same problem with my toddler-she wants to do what big sister is doing but it is just too difficult for her! She either ends up crying or stealing sister's stuff! Glad to know I am not the only one!
Morgan, At
September 3, 2010 at 8:35 AM
oh...I know. :) But I'm serious when I mean anything. I'm not worried about it overall {eventually he'll come around and get back into the routine of things}, but his attitude in general has just been poor {the whining, the fussing} and he is throwing fits when he can't do things that we are doing {because he seriously can't} and when I offer him an alternative, it's met with things like "That's for babies", etc....
Jolanthe, At
September 3, 2010 at 8:50 AM
Hello! This is my fist week linking up here as well as Tot School. My daughter is just at the age where we are doing too much preschool activities to be totschool but not enough preschool to be fully preschool. If my link is not appropriate, please let me know and I will hold of linking here for a few weeks. I look forward to reading everyones posts and learning from them as we embark on our transition to fully preschool by November!
Susan-Chasing Marcus, At
September 3, 2010 at 9:11 AM
I'm sorry your week has been so cranky. I will say (forgive me) that it is nice to know that you too have (that any homeschool mom) those days only because it let's me know that it is "normal." I've had a few days like that w/my older two and I've wondered a few times if maybe they would be better in public school (forgive me again) because I must be doing something wrong. I'm almost certain they wouldn't act that way in those schools...then I snap out of it.
I think starting back to school is just a difficult adjustment for everyone (mommies too). We're all starting a new routine that requires more order/structure, which is so unlike most of the summers we've all had - fun and running wild. Take time and maybe allow Kaleb to do whatever he wants for a few days and see if he comes to you looking for some school work to do.
I need to step up the pace because my preschooler is ready to start and I haven't been ready for a full week for him yet. Hopefully, next week will be his week too.
Milk and Honey Mommy, At
September 3, 2010 at 9:21 AM
I have been having some of the same issues with Selena. She doesn't have older siblings to have the feeling that she wants to be doing what they are doing. Yet, she sees some of her work, too easy, boring, while other parts too hard. This week we talked about why we do the work, what it does to help us in learning, she seems to be doing better with it now. I don't think what you are seeing is uncommon at all. Keep your chin up!
Debbie, At
September 3, 2010 at 9:34 AM
It sounds like everyone had a week like that. My kids have been a little off as well, and now I woke up this morning with a bad sore throat and feeling rather sore (that teaches me to exercise).
I just keeping of the Oldies song "Momma said there'd be days like this, there'd be days like this Mama said, Mama said."
Ticia, At
September 3, 2010 at 11:56 AM
Must have been something in the air - we had a very similar week...
Kim, At
September 3, 2010 at 12:57 PM
There are weeks like that! Praying today & next week are better!
Great job on the Cubbies printables, noticed you've also started on the Hopper verses. Now could you do them in the NKJV? Just kidding! I've passed the links on to the other Cubbies leaders I'm in contact with.
dee, At
September 3, 2010 at 1:07 PM
It's too funny that Caleb felt you are giving him something for babies. It must be hard to be the youngest one. I hope he will come around soon - maybe he can participate in "big kids' activities" as a reward for completing his own work?
Natalie PlanetSmarty, At
September 3, 2010 at 2:44 PM
I'm starting a program from Hubbard's Cupboard for 2's with my son next week and I am a little nervous about the cooperation. We started a morning board with the theme of the month and a sticker chart for chores and listening. I also put on daily weather and he seems really excited. Good luck to you!
MommyMelissa, At
September 3, 2010 at 2:54 PM
Love the honesty in this post! I could have written this post fact, on MONDAY I went to a corner and prayed for strength and patience! But before I prayed, I wondered if the big yellow transportation could stop by my house and pick them all up. His grace is sufficient....
Heather, At
September 3, 2010 at 3:38 PM
Oh thank you Jesus that I'm not alone! We started school Monday and my little guy started Kindergarten with us after having a poor experience with pre-k outside the home. I had all these really great activities planned and almost every one was met with reluctance and a negative attitude. I am praying things will go much better for you and for all of us in this same situation. Thank you for your post and for all the wonderful ideas and printables you give us.
Faith, At
September 3, 2010 at 5:05 PM
You ARE encouraging! With your honesty.
You mean, I'm not the only parent of a child that wants to be a preschool dropout?! :) Or perhaps I'm the preschool dropout.
Thank you for keeping it real. :)
Karen, At
September 3, 2010 at 5:32 PM
I had to laugh when I read your post. My week was very similar. This is our first week back. I have a 4th grader, a 1st grader, and a just-turned 3 year old. I had all this great stuff planned for the 3 year old's workboxes, but she doesn't want to follow the chart and just dumps everything out of the workboxes that looks interesting first thing in the morning. She would rather makes messes all through the house while we are doing school since there is no one to play with her. The first day of school, she switched all of the squares around on everyone's charts. Our house is a disaster and I'm exhausted. I think I'll just do one planned activity a day with her and no chart. Then I'll have some extra time to clean up!
Leah, At
September 3, 2010 at 6:08 PM
Aww I'm sorry it was a rough week! Your right, he's probably still feeling a little sick. Mine are always more fussy then to. We'll be starting back up next Tues. :)
Kim, At
September 3, 2010 at 7:06 PM
Thanks for hosting the linky. I enjoy reading all the blogs that link up. This is my first week linking up myself.
Jeanette, At
September 4, 2010 at 8:17 PM
you are not alone... some days my son will "do school" or some days nada. But he does ask for it quite often now which is a big change :D (we actually took months off last year when my son turned 3 as he was totally not interested in anything school related & Carissa's words repeated themselves to me over and over that it should be play at this age and fun, and if not - stop... and day after day he wanted nothing to do with sitting still. So we stopped for several weeks without a mention of school)... but I digress... this too shall pass.
Anonymous, At
September 4, 2010 at 10:39 PM
Aw, that sounds so hard! Z is my oldest, but I can definitely see this being an issue for his little sister - thankfully they're only 2 years apart so I plan to include her in some of the art/game activities once she turns one - but down the road, I can understand Kaleb's frustration! Glad he got more excited about it towards the end!!!
Carrie, At
September 6, 2010 at 7:55 PM
Thanks for hosting the linky. I enjoy reading all the blogs that link up. This is my first week linking up myself.
Jeanette, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
You ARE encouraging! With your honesty.
You mean, I'm not the only parent of a child that wants to be a preschool dropout?! :) Or perhaps I'm the preschool dropout.
Thank you for keeping it real. :)
Karen, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
I'm starting a program from Hubbard's Cupboard for 2's with my son next week and I am a little nervous about the cooperation. We started a morning board with the theme of the month and a sticker chart for chores and listening. I also put on daily weather and he seems really excited. Good luck to you!
StrummerMommy, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
May I let you know what I've learned...the hard way?
I have learned to let the children come to you when they "want to do school." Especially the later born children. My 2nd and 3rd have done a lot of playing at. I would seldom plan anything for the Pre-K age (mainly cause I'm not as organized and with it as you! :) ) But this has worked for us. Yes, when I first took on this approach I was worried that they would never be on track but my almost 7 year old 2nd child - whose first "real" school year is this year - is doing amazing! But I never pressured her and I've done the same with my 3rd who is a boy.
Although I'm sorry you've had a not so fun week with Pre-K I know that things will get better. Let him go at his own pace. My little guy who will be 5 in a couple of weeks begs to "do school" every day...I know yours will too. :) his time.
And, yes, it is nice to know that all homeschool Mommies go through stuff like this!
Praying for a better day for ya!
(And didn't mean to write so much! Sorry!!)
McMama, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
I am getting that attitude with my second grader! This is our first year homeschooling, and I keep threatening to call the b&m school to send him back! Thanks for sharing. I LOVE your blog and have used many ideas so far. I am looking into the morning board from yesterday. I like the idea of a routine to get you in the 'mood' for school! Thanks for all the great stuff here!
MamaKolb, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:56 PM
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