Geography Notebooking Sheet / Travel Diary
I'm not sure why I didn't pull something like this together earlier in the year {because that would have been rather handy}. Instead, here I am half way through our geography adventures and pulling it together now.
The Geography Notebooking Sheet {or travel diary} can be used for any country {I left the country name area intentionally blank}. There are several boxes on the page to record information about the country being studied: Facts about the country, someone famous from the country, famous landmark(s), and other fun information about the country. There is room for children to draw their own pictures, add clip art and journal answers on the page. Click on the thumbnail below to print/download the Geography Notebooking Sheet.
So you can see how we used it, I scanned in a completed one for the country of France. Ok ~ not quite completed and sorry the picture is a little dark {grins}. The handwriting is a little funky because Laurianna is trying to be artistic and make fun letters...and then gets distracted halfway through...
Before we started the Geography Notebooking Sheet, I pulled out our atlas and jotted down a few things that I wanted to cover. For famous people I chose Claude Monet. Famous places ~ Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe. As we worked through our atlas we filled in some of the blanks and then the girls wrote a sentence or two about the other areas. I googled the places we were going to cover and created some 'clip art' for them to cut and paste onto the notebooking sheet.
When we are done, this page will go into our geography notebook for the girls to review later in the year. Here are a few more printables and resources to help you out as well.
- Geography Website
- Travel Log and Passports
- Geography Resources ~ Top Picks
- Africa Notebooking Printables
- Asia NotebookingPrintables
- Australia & New Zealand Notebooking Printables
- Europe Notebooking Printables
- North America Notebooking Printables
- South America Notebooking Printables
- Country Flag Cards
- Children Just Like Me Notebooking Page
- Geography Notebooking Sheet & Travel Diary
Labels: Geography, Geography Printables, Homeschooling Tools, Notebook and Worksheets
You NEED to be helping with the Curiosity Files (weird unit studies). You have the neatest ideas and you come up with such fun worksheets!
Heidi, At
June 3, 2009 at 7:24 AM
Hi, thanks so much! We are going around the world next year in our studies, so this will work out great! So cute too!
I made one very similar to this for our state studies this year...
Not nearly as cute though!
I will definitely be using this! Thanks,
Rebecca, At
June 3, 2009 at 11:47 AM
How wonderful!! You always have the cutest ideas! I love your notebooking pages. We have made use of them!:) I only wish I had any knowledge on how to do things like that!:) Thank you!
Lori C., Texas, At
June 3, 2009 at 10:10 PM
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