Nature Time {Science Sunday}
No experiments this week ~ just fun in the great outdoors. Rick and I took the kids to a nearby park/river and we spent time exploring the things around us.
The first thing that we saw was a water bug ~ a great opportunity to talk about what we remember about our surface tension experiment.
We found an inchworm crawling on Daddy’s shirt and had fun watching it crawl around on our fingers.
Laurianna and I saw this flower in the middle of the river…growing on a rock. A great time to talk about deep and shallow roots…
There were SO many different butterflies clustered in one area on the bank. We have yet to look up and see exactly what these two are.
During a walk around the park we found a decaying tree stump with both moss and lichen growing on it.
The stump was a great example of decay and we had fun peeling back parts of the stump, squeezing parts of it between our fingers to see how squishy it was {compared to typical wood} and looking at all of the bugs crawling around inside and around the stump.
It was a lazy afternoon…but so much fun and lots of learning too. :) Gotta love that! Don't forget to check out some other great science ideas at Science Sunday hosted by Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom.
Nature is always my favorite kind of science :)
Rebecca, At
August 21, 2010 at 6:51 PM
Sometimes I think that is the best kind of science observation of what we've seen
Ticia, At
August 21, 2010 at 7:25 PM
SO much fun! I have something you guys can come see.. I was sitting out in the garage helping Tim put up some shelves only to see movement out the corner of my eye.. yep.. a mouse.. Do you want a dead mouse? ;-) about to bait the traps tonight!
Anonymous, At
August 21, 2010 at 9:30 PM
I need to prepare better and post for Science Sunday, too. My children were excited this morning. Your butterflies are both the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail. We have been studying them. We found a caterpillar just a few days ago. The male is always in the yellow form. The female can be either yellow or the dark/black. We have many and they are beautiful. :)
HillaryM, At
August 22, 2010 at 6:30 AM
SO much fun! I have something you guys can come see.. I was sitting out in the garage helping Tim put up some shelves only to see movement out the corner of my eye.. yep.. a mouse.. Do you want a dead mouse? ;-) about to bait the traps tonight!
Lindsay, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:58 PM
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