Geography Notebooking Pages
Even though we’re technically finished with our trip around the world, someone emailed and asked me to put together a few more geography notebooking pages to use while doing their ‘world travels’ this coming year. Don’t worry ~ I still have more country lesson plans coming for South America and North America!!
But because I am easily sidetracked, when I finished up the ones that Justine asked for I also re-vamped one of my older geography notebooking pages. Ready to see them?? Click on the text or the thumbnail images to download the pdf files.
Country Factsheet Notebooking Page ~ place to write down facts about the country, famous people from the country {and add a picture or two}, famous landmarks,
A Look at the Country of… Notebooking Page ~ Jot down some notes on the country you are studying: square miles, longitude/latitude, natural resources, religions, languages and more. It also has space to add a picture of the country you are learning about.
Famous Person Notebooking Page ~ Have a famous person {explorer, artist, musician, or missionary} that lived in the country you are studying? This is a notebooking sheet to record some information about that person: where s/he lived, hobbies, childhood, and what they are famous for. There’s even a little space to add a picture if you’d like.
Science Facts Notebooking Sheet for countries ~ Similar in layout to the Country Facts Notebooking page, this has room for famous inventors/inventions, science facts about the country, plant and animal life, etc…
Hope these help you all out! If you’re just starting out with your geography studies, don’t forget to check out some of the other free printables that I have available for you to download:
~ General Geography Printables and Notebooking Pages for Children Just Like Me, country flag matching cards, weekly planning pages and of course, my homeschool planner. :)
~ Africa Notebooking pages and lesson plan links
~ Asia Notebooking pages and lesson plan links
~ Australia & New Zealand Notebooking pages and lesson plan links
~ Europe Notebooking pages and lesson plan links
~ North America Notebooking pages and lesson plan links {coming soon}
~ South America Notebooking pages and lesson plan links
Labels: Geography, Geography Printables, Notebook and Worksheets
These are FANTASTIC! I'm happily printing away!
Cindy, At
August 3, 2010 at 7:31 AM
Thank you! We're starting soon!
jeana, At
August 3, 2010 at 8:02 AM
Thanks! These look great. The country factsheet at the top doesn't link to a pdf, though, just an image; and the science sheet at the bottom links to the famous person sheet!
I'm collecting all kinds of ideas for a "trip around the world" for ~next~ year, when my youngest will be in K and more able to follow along. :)
MamaGames - Alexa C., At
August 3, 2010 at 9:59 AM
Kelly, At
August 3, 2010 at 11:22 AM
Thank you so mnuch! We are starting our geography studies with gallopng the globe this year.
Sandra, At
August 3, 2010 at 1:09 PM
These are great, no doubt I will be back to use them when we get there! :)
Kami, At
August 3, 2010 at 2:22 PM
Perfect. As always. You are amazing. Nothing else I can say. I love your pages.
Anonymous, At
August 3, 2010 at 6:14 PM
These are great! Thanks!
Brenna, At
August 4, 2010 at 2:35 PM
I ran out of ink and paper as I happily clicked away on the print button! Thanks for all of the printables you make and so freely share. :)
What program do you use to make your printables? I have a few things in mind that you don't have and am hoping that I can make something even half as cute as your stuff.
Thanks Jolanthe! Now... to the store for more ink and paper. :)
Valerie, At
August 5, 2010 at 8:11 PM
Thanks for these! I am bookmarking for our Tapestry studies.
Tricia @Hodgepodge, At
August 9, 2010 at 3:35 PM
Thanks for these! I am bookmarking for our Tapestry studies.
Tricia @Hodgepodge, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:58 PM
These are great! Thanks!
Brenna, At
December 15, 2010 at 12:58 PM
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