Homeschool Creations

Monday, May 9, 2011

The Garden is IN!

Phew! This past weekend I managed to find the rest of the plants that I was wanting for our raised beds as a part of Square Foot Gardening. After swatting off a few hundred thousand flies, zip-tying the anti-deer netting to the posts around the garden and watering all the squares, I called it a day!


We did manage to get a ‘gate’ of sorts up with a piece of chicken wire since we were about 3 feet short on the netting. Figures. And just in time, too. Not even an hour after the fence was up, we had a bunny family hopping around and trying to figure out how they could visit.


Want to see what we planted? We still have to get the netting/posts for the veggies on the top rows to climb up, but we still have a bit of time to work on that. Here’s what we will hopefully be harvesting this summer:

garden 1 words copyGarden 2 words copy

I used a great site, Gardener’s Supply Company to make a ‘picture layout’ of my garden so I could better envision what was coming up. You can plan and print them off ~ much fun to play around with!!

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