Seasons of Faith ~ Children’s Bible Hour {Review}
Our children really enjoy listening to audio books while we run errands and just drive around town. We have a wide variety of books that we like to listen too, and many times I find myself enjoying the books {as much as the quiet that ensues when all the kids are listening!}. Children’s Bible Hour Ministries recently sent us the Seasons of Faith book series to review with our kids.
Seasons of Faith
This series is intended to encourage children in their walks with God and each book focuses on a ‘season’ in our walks. Each book in the series is beautifully illustrated and includes an audio CD telling of the story.
Each book in the series is beautifully illustrated and includes an audio CD telling of the story. From the website, here is a description of each of the stories:
“Becky spends spring break on her cousin Sarah’s horse farm in Montana. Taking horse rides amidst the beautiful mountains and valleys, Becky tries to share her faith with Sarah as she talks about God’s creation. Will Sarah listen?”
“Adam and his new friend Zack decide to build a tree fort one warm summer day. After zooming down a hill and falling into a muddy pond, Zack asks Adam about going to church and salvation. Will Adam be able to explain his faith to Zack?”
“Batter up! When Brad accidentally breaks the ice cream shop’s sign, the owner forgives Brad. But when his best friend Doug ruins Brad’s favorite baseball cap, will he be able to forgive Doug?”
“When Thomás moves away from his neighborhood and into a mobile home in his grandparents’ backyard, he misses his friends. There’s nothing to do around the apple orchard with no friends, his dad works a lot, and his little brother was hurt in an accident. All his sister wants to do is play with her dolls. Will Thomás be able to rely on God to get through the difficult times?”
My Thoughts
For our family, these books have brought up some great ‘discussion’ questions, but have especially encouraged our children to reach out to their friends and talk more about their love for God ~ which has been very wonderful to see. Somehow hearing the children in the stories talk with their friends about God triggered something in our two oldest and gave them a little boost of confidence to more openly talk with several neighborhood children about coming to church with them.
The Children’s Bible Hour website also provides a list of discussion questions that can be used to go along with each of the books in the series.
Find Out More
Each book in the series is available for $10. When you use the code FREESHIPAPR15 between March 17 and April 15, 2010, you can receive free standard shipping with the purchase of the 4 book set.

Labels: Homeschool Crew, Opinions and Reviews, Reviews: Children's Books, Reviews: Phonics/Reading
These sound like something our children would LOVE!
Thanks for the tip!
Love and blessings - Jill
Unknown, At
March 21, 2010 at 4:04 PM
Sounds like something my guys would love! Thanks for sharing!
Corina, At
March 21, 2010 at 5:28 PM
Sounds like a wonderful series! I need to start listening to audio books in the car. I love this idea!
Anonymous, At
March 22, 2010 at 11:55 AM
Hi there,
I’m reviewing blog posts that you and others in the Homeschool Crew posted about our Seasons of Faith picture book series back in March/April. Would you allow us to include a snippet of your post on our website on our up-and-coming Testimonials webpage? We won’t use your full name—if we could just attribute the post to your first name and home state, that would be great. Thank you for your very encouraging review! It’s so nice to read considering all the blood, sweat, and tears many people shed to publish them. I’m not sure if you’re planning on reviewing for the Crew again, but we’re probably going to put our second four books in the cue to review in the spring. The next four are The Red Boat, The King’s Daughter, and our two newest are Saying Farewell and The Prize Cake. Have a great day!
CBH Ministries Editor
Kristen, At
December 14, 2010 at 5:02 PM
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