Studying China: Week 1
This past week we started studying China. A highlight of the week for the kids was having Chinese food for dinner: dumplings, egg rolls, and best of all - using chopsticks! Laurianna has enjoyed it so much that she has insisted on using them every meal since then. We're still working on a few parts of our Olympic lapbook while waiting for some competitions to finish and we'll post pictures of that later too.
Here’s a look at our first week studying China
- locate and map China
- use atlas to learn more about China and geographical features
- color/label map of China
- learn Asia song from Geography Songs
- learn about the Chinese flag {click on image to download pdf}
- read Children just like me and complete notebooking page
- read about Gladys Aylward {10 Girls Who Changed the World}

- talk about rivers and label the rivers of China
- read about Lottie Moon {10 Girls Who Made History}
- finished up our Olympic lapbook
- read the Story of Ping
- use Draw Write Now to make a duck
- write our names in Chinese
- read about Isobel Kuhn {10 Girls Who Changed the World}

Next week we are continuing on in our studies of China: making egg drop soup, studying other missionaries: Eric Liddell, Jeanette Li, and Hudson Taylor, learning about the Great Wall of China, and also Mt. Everest.
LOL at McKenna's story :)
YOur house sounds like lots of fun!
Mary@notbefore7, At
August 23, 2008 at 6:28 PM
Thanks you so much for this! It's been a big help planning out our China unit.
Anonymous, At
July 30, 2010 at 7:25 AM
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