Summer Homeschool Plans
The words ‘summer school’ have such a bad rap, so maybe I should just call them ‘Our Summer Plans’, eh? Our kids are doing great, but we’re spreading out some of the basic subjects and covering them over the summer months.
We’ve wrapped up the bulk of our curriculum and have a few loose ends to tie up, but here are the areas we’ll be touching on at least once a week:
Language: We started using First Language Lessons in the fall and are on the fast-track to finish the 200 lessons in a year time frame. We don’t have too much more to finish this book up, but this way we’ll be ready to move onto the next level in the fall.
Spelling: The kids enjoy our All About Spelling lessons, so we’re going to continue with one lesson a week to keep them in the loop and remembering. :) I’m also going to be pulling out our All About Homophones book to do a little work with the girls since there have been a few words cropping up lately that fall into those tricky-to-spell categories.
Math: The last few weeks of school we actually switched over math curriculum {I’ll share more on that later!!}. It was a much needed change for Laurianna and we’ll work on this several times a week for both her and McKenna.
Writing: Pen pals are going to be top of the list to keep this active with the girls. Both girls have also started their own blogs {which are rather sweet} ~ can’t imagine where they got that idea from…
Science: Nature walks and lots of fun science experiments. Need I say more?
Fun!! Lots of that will be in the mix as well as just relaxing, reading and enjoying spending time together.
What are your summer plans? Do you still have a few loose ends to wrap up? Are you going to plug along throughout the summer? Are you doing a little happy dance because your school year is officially over?
Labels: Our Schedule
Can't wait to see more of what you are doing this summer. We're actually just beginning on a new school year - I'm hoping that means I can be less stressed about deadlines and take days off when we want to during the year! :)
Christy, At
May 24, 2010 at 6:16 AM
Previously, we've taken only the month of June off. This year, I really need a break, so we're taking off for at least two months. The kids will have a little independent work in math, reading, and handwriting on their daily charts but that's it.
sarah in the woods, At
May 24, 2010 at 6:44 AM
We finished the last school year in March, so we're on for the summer. It works out well to do schoolwork in the hot afternoons and be outside in the slightly cooler mornings for us. Besides, with baby #6 coming in November we need to get a good chunk of work done so we can take two months off with the end of pregnancy and new baby. ;)
We're still trying to find a groove for summer subjects though...sigh. We'll get there sooner or later.
Tristan, At
May 24, 2010 at 6:54 AM
We homeschool year round. I take the summer to focus on electives and to finish up whatever we didn't finish during the "school year". My kids have never noticed before but I'm anticipating some angst this summer as some of their neighborhood friends have pointed out that you "don't have school in the summer" or on Saturdays which I used to use as my catch up day (again without problem).
Oh well.
Right now I'm gearing up for the homeschool convention and I'm psyched!
Karin Katherine, At
May 24, 2010 at 7:04 AM
We started Kindergarten HS last July and will finish this week...hooray! I was planning to school through the summer but we all need a nice break. We're taking June off (cousins visiting for a week, VBS, swim lessons) and will start back after July 4th. I am working on our summer plans still....maybe an ocean or insect unit...I want it to be fun and lots of hands-on activities! Plus we plan to visit the farm where we get our milk and a couple other local field trips. :)
Julie, At
May 24, 2010 at 8:55 AM
We'll be doing a light school time during the summer. I'm looking forward to starting on some more official Science and History.
Ticia, At
May 24, 2010 at 9:04 AM
Sounds like a great plan for the summer! Are you guys doing any summer reading challenges?
Anonymous, At
May 24, 2010 at 10:17 AM
We'll homeschool through the summer. We do however add in the fun stuff like swim lessons, art classes etc.
Our convention is end of July so that will be our end date for this year. We'll break for 2 weeks and then start up again for the new year. That deliniation works pretty well for us.
Kathy, At
May 24, 2010 at 11:13 AM
More like a BIG HAPPY DANCE!! :oD
Confessions Of A Homeschooler, At
May 24, 2010 at 11:42 AM
We are set to finish our school year on June 7th. I am in desperate need of a break, so we are planning to take off until after July 4th. We are going to spend that time camping, swimming, visiting the zoo and park, lots of fun stuff. Around mid-July we will pick back up with school work!
Stephanie, At
May 24, 2010 at 1:50 PM
We go through the summer light.
There are so many neat nature studies to so in the summer. Our veggies growing and flowers and such. I wouldn't want to miss it! We will also be doing reading and math.
Kelly, At
May 24, 2010 at 2:43 PM
We use a "term" system. We have 3 months on, 1 month off. So we are just starting our "summer term". We have about 8 weeks to go before we finish our year. Then we take August off and start our new year in September!
Four Little Penguins, At
May 24, 2010 at 3:54 PM
We usually only do reading in the summer. However, they lost a lot of Math last year so we will do Math, reading, and a little handwriting for my 5 yr old. My 11 year old will finish his scripture study (by his own choice I might add). Then in the Fall we will be ready to dive into the Old testament.
It does sort of make me as a homeschooler feel bad that school is being done in the summer. It's needed.
Keep us posted. Love this site.
Dana, At
May 24, 2010 at 4:26 PM
I'm trying to remember what grades your kids are in. . . We are going to be doing FLL this year as well. Did you just plain skip some of the lessons, because I'm thinking 3-4 lessons talking about common nouns might get a little old???
I am also thinking of doing AAS, but I'm thinking of waiting until we're 1/2 way through this year.
Looking forward to seeing what fun things y'all do!
DairyQueen, At
May 24, 2010 at 8:16 PM
We homeschool year round. We will be taking about 4-6 weeks off in July to August and then resume in mid August. We still plan on doing some reading, phonics and math in July.
Sandra, At
May 24, 2010 at 9:21 PM
I am Oh-so-jealous of all of you! I wanted to homeschool my 3 older kids sooo bad, but I couldn't afford to stay home any longer. I stayed home with them until they started school :( Now (10 yrs later) I have another. I hope I can homeschool her. Reading blogs like this one give me hope that I can do it.
Danielle @ We Have It All, At
May 24, 2010 at 11:22 PM
Since we are not really homeschooling, we will continue to do the same in the summer as we do all year - country studies, some science experiments, reading, cooking and playing. I am looking forward to spending more time at the pool though :)
Natalie PlanetSmarty, At
May 24, 2010 at 11:56 PM
We have put away our books, but the learning still goes on. We are continuing with our Geography/History lessons, Science, writing skills and fit in all the field trips that we don't get to do in the winter months. We will pull out the books again in August.
Debbie, At
May 25, 2010 at 12:28 AM
This is our last week of school....yippee!! (It's bad when the teacher is saying that.) My 7th grader has a bit more to finish reading in his History and Science books, but I let him just read them with no quizzes or tests. He's a major reader, so this is fun for him. (I've actually caught him reading the dictionary before.)
Both he and my 2nd grader will do some math over the summer, just to stay in practice. We call this our "summertime math," since they don't like to use the word "school" for summer stuff. :) I have always just gone to Barnes and Noble and gotten one of the fun, colorful math supplemental books for their grade level.
I'll be working with my preschoolers on their reading skills since they are disappointed that the school year is over!
And then we all participate in a summer reading program. We'll start the new school year in early August. But right now, MOM needs a break! :)
Angela, At
May 25, 2010 at 12:31 AM
We won't be doing traditional school work this summer, but we will be working on our chore skills, reading lots of books and spending a lot of time outside. Summer, here we come!
You Can Call Me Jane, At
May 25, 2010 at 2:57 PM
Oh how I hope you'll share your new math info before this weekend when I go to our homeschool convention!! PLEASE!!We are looking at switching and would love to know your plans!
momtime, At
May 25, 2010 at 10:12 PM
I'm home-preschooling my 3 1/2 year old son, and most of our school time is fun for him--he just thinks it's a special play time. So we'll definitely be going on through the summer!
Andrea, At
May 27, 2010 at 1:21 AM
We won't be doing traditional school work this summer, but we will be working on our chore skills, reading lots of books and spending a lot of time outside. Summer, here we come!
ThyHandHathProvided, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
Since we are not really homeschooling, we will continue to do the same in the summer as we do all year - country studies, some science experiments, reading, cooking and playing. I am looking forward to spending more time at the pool though :)
Raising a Happy Child, At
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
We homeschool year round. We will be taking about 4-6 weeks off in July to August and then resume in mid August. We still plan on doing some reading, phonics and math in July.
December 15, 2010 at 1:03 PM
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