Homeschool Creations

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Toss the Globe Geography Game

{a.k.a. An excuse to throw a ball at your brother's head and pretend it's all in fun ~ ahem}

Need a quick and fun game to play with your kids that will get them thinking and learning ~ but still have a little fun?

We recently bought an inflatable globe and play a game of catch with it. Whoever catches the globe has to name where either of their thumbs have landed.

Depending on who is playing, they have to tell me capitals, a famous landmark in the area, important features of that country, etc. This is great for learning map features such as mountain ranges, rivers, and borders as well as identifying the continents and oceans for younger children.

It's quick, easy, gets a little energy out, and the globe is soft enough to not cause any major head trauma.

Need some more geography games and ideas? Be sure to check out this post at Heart of the Matter Online.




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