Preschool Corner: Months of the Year Song
Not that talking to myself doesn't happen on a daily basis ~ because my kids sure miss the majority of what I say every day.
But I digress.
You all taught me something new last week because I had never heard the Adams Family version of the Days of the Week song. Or if I did, it has been forever replaced with Tim Hawkins 'Homeschool Family' song {I'm leaning heavily toward that option}. Since the days of the week song was such a huge hit, this week my 'at the mic' feature will be the months of the year song. Before I forget, I popped on over to the Discovery Toys website to browse their catalog and they have the 'Sounds Like Fun' cd available for $15.
Months of the Year
{no idea what tune this is....
but it's definitely not Ten Little Indians}
{no idea what tune this is....
but it's definitely not Ten Little Indians}
January, February, March and April,
May and June, July and August,
September, October, November, December...
These are the months of the year.
Twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve months,
Twelve months come in every year.
Twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve months,
Twelve months come in every year.
May and June, July and August,
September, October, November, December...
These are the months of the year.
Twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve months,
Twelve months come in every year.
Twelve, twelve, twelve, twelve months,
Twelve months come in every year.
{Repeat until you know the song so well you are singing it in your head when you wake up in the middle of the night}.
And you all and your guesses about the tune before I posted the video are cracking me up!! :)
About the Preschool Corner:
The Preschool Corner is a place for us to share the ideas we are using during our "preschool time" with our kids. You can join in the fun and record what you are doing in your house. Please link your exact blog post to the Mr. Linky below (if you have questions feel free to ask). Be sure to link back to this blog post so that your readers can find some other great ideas too!The guidelines can be found here if you need them.
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Labels: Preschool Corner, Video Clips
Is the tune "Ten Little Indians?"
shang09, At
September 11, 2009 at 8:55 AM
I also agree, Ten Little Indians would fit perfectly with this song. Thanks for sharing!
Beka, At
September 11, 2009 at 11:04 AM
I was just about to leave a comment saying that I learned the months of the year song to the tune of Ten Little Indians but somebody beat me to it! I also learned the days of the week to the tune of Fres Jacques (I'm sure I spelled that wrong). Seven days, seven days, in a week, in a week, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, That's a week.
April, At
September 11, 2009 at 1:01 PM
Great! Loving your little video interludes. :)
Kylie, At
September 11, 2009 at 7:35 PM
Sorry, I entered my blog twice on Mr Linky (I did the first one wrong), if you could delete the first one (I don't know if you can or not) that would be great. Thanks
Amber, At
September 12, 2009 at 10:32 AM
Love the song - good addition to our repertoire for when we are ready to start learning months.
Natalie PlanetSmarty, At
September 13, 2009 at 4:32 PM
Totally by chance that I found you & landed on this post. We're starting to learn the months next week! Well, that was the plan but we've watched the video 5 times already.
Emily W, At
September 16, 2009 at 2:07 PM
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