Homeschool Creations

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Spring Poems..

While visiting another homeschool blog the other day, Walking by the Way, the mom mentioned having her son write a poem for spring. So in turn, I had all three of our kiddos sit down to write or dictate a poem about spring to me. They each titled their poem by themselves. :)

by Laurianna

I hear spring when the birds sing in the trees.
I smell spring when the flowers bloom.
I feel spring when the wind blows.
I see spring in everything.

Springtime Fun
by McKenna

I feel the wind blow on me and it feels good.
I smell the flowers in the spring.
I see the pretty green leaves in the spring.
I hear the birds singing to me and I see the beautiful blue sky.

Spring, Spring, Spring
by Zachary (short but sweet)

Birdies singing.



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