Homeschool Creations

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Comparison Trap

I have a confession to make.

{You’ll have to excuse my thoughts if they are disjointed and random, but the thoughts have been on my heart a lot lately…and I’m never near a pen/paper when they all come rushing in on each other. So for now I’ll just type and hope that my thoughts come through clearly and you hear my heart.}


Over the last few months I’ve really, really struggled with the whole comparison issue. Truthfully, issue isn’t the right word. Trap is a much better one.

Because you can get stuck in the depths of comparison and run things around and around in your mind and never emerge. It’s a really dangerous place to be.

Comparing my children to others ~ because her children are so much more well mannered than mine. Comparing this or that or ANYTHING, fixating on that issue and letting it fester and destroy the joy of what I have been given.

In October I was hit smack in the face with the issue when I was at the Relevant Conference. Thankfully, I was surrounded by some amazing women that I am blessed to call friends and who encouraged me. I cried {the ugly cry} and just let God cover me with His grace and mercy ~ and reminders that He created me to be ME.

Not her. Not you. Not anyone else. I am uniquely me for a reason. And if I am walking in what He has called me to do and who He has called me to be ~ that is enough.

Since that time I’ve had to stop doing some things that may cause me to compare {maybe reading a certain blog or watching a certain show…}. Instead, surrounding myself with encouragement from the most important One of all and others who speak His truth.

God has gifted each of us with abilities that are unique to each one of us. Traits that are special and give us a special role. We are fearfully and wonderfully made {Psalm 139:14}.

Can I just encourage you today? Be the woman that God created you to be!! Know who you are in Christ and cling to THAT truth! Be yourself ~ because you are the only person who can be uniquely you.


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