Visiting the Netherlands: Week 1
Both of the girls were looking forward to our time in the Netherlands because my mom is from Holland and Laurianna visited there when she was just a little baby. I will have quite a few video links in this post and next weeks post and also share some of the fun things we did ~ including learning a easy Dutch prayer that we are saying at dinner time. It was one that I said growing up, and it's been fun listening to our oldest three say it each night now.
Here are the words (and a little video clip) of the prayer we learned: "Dank u wel, Here Jezus, voor dit eten. Amen." {translation: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this food. Amen.}
The minit books that we are working on are not for a lapbook, but the girls enjoy doing them so we are putting them on a piece of cardstock and adding them to their geography binders. There are quite a few video clips at the end of this post - sorry if the page takes a bit to load for you.
Here's a peek at how our week worked out:
Websites we visited/used:
Continuing around the Netherlands (this clip has a bar at the end and some people drinking)
Video clip on windmills (via NBC and "Where in the World is Matt Lauer")
Clip on the Anne Frank House:
My Notebooking Sheet for flag of the Netherlands: The handwriting on the top is a font of my mom's handwriting, which just reminds me of Holland. :)

Here are the words (and a little video clip) of the prayer we learned: "Dank u wel, Here Jezus, voor dit eten. Amen." {translation: Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this food. Amen.}
The minit books that we are working on are not for a lapbook, but the girls enjoy doing them so we are putting them on a piece of cardstock and adding them to their geography binders. There are quite a few video clips at the end of this post - sorry if the page takes a bit to load for you.
Here's a peek at how our week worked out:
- Introduce new geography song
- Locate and map the Netherlands (both wall map and minit book)
- Use the globe to find the Netherlands
- Read Hanna in the Time of the Tulips
- Practiced our geography song
- Learned about the flag of the Netherlands (notebooking sheet below)
- Talked about some of the symbols of the Netherlands: windmills, wooden shoes, and tulips (minit book)
- Read a story from Around the World in 80 Tales
- Practiced our geography song
- Read Hanna in the Time of the Tulips again
- Talked about the life cycle of a tulip (cards for a minit book)
- Watched a video clip on windmills
- Started our windmill craft
- Learned our new prayer in Dutch (video clip above has pronunciation)
- Practiced our geography song
- Finished up our windmill craft
- Watched several video clips about the Netherlands (courtesy of Matt Lauer's trip around the world)
- Kept practicing our Dutch prayer and Dutch phrase: "Ik hou van jou" ~ "I love you" (see video clip above for pronunciation)
Websites we visited/used:
- Homeschool Share: Where are the Netherlands minit book and Symbols of the Netherlands minit book. There is an entire unit on Boxes for Katje available here (we are going to read the book next week)
- DLTK windmill craft: fairly simple craft using a toilet paper tube to make a windmill. Kids can either color their own or cut out a pre-colored sheet to make one.
- Bry-Back Manor - stages of a tulip cards
- - parts of a tulip bulb. I printed this image 4 to a page so we could put it inside one of our minit books along with the life cycle of a tulip cards
Continuing around the Netherlands (this clip has a bar at the end and some people drinking)
Video clip on windmills (via NBC and "Where in the World is Matt Lauer")
Clip on the Anne Frank House:
My Notebooking Sheet for flag of the Netherlands: The handwriting on the top is a font of my mom's handwriting, which just reminds me of Holland. :)

Labels: Europe, Geography, Geography Printables, Netherlands, Notebook and Worksheets
The video is adorable.
I'm half Dutch, so this was fun. Glad the kids enjoyed it. [smile]
Luke Holzmann, At
March 18, 2009 at 10:03 AM
That is *AWESOME*!! You know, ahem, the Homeschool Showcase is coming up. *nudge* *nudge* ;-)
Anonymous, At
March 18, 2009 at 3:53 PM
That is so cool. My dad is Dutch. The most we ever did was call my grandparents Oma and Opa, and read a book about the dykes. I have visited Holland a couple of times, too. But I really like your ideas.
Anonymous, At
March 23, 2009 at 11:58 PM
I love the video of you and the girls saying the Dutch prayer. And, we studied the Netherlands when my husband went there for work! (By the way, I have "GTG" on my sidebar if you ever want to take a peek at what we did.)
I also am blessed that my brother is a "world traveler" - he is on the road about 1/4th of the year, both for business & pleasure. When we get together, he shares his incredible photos & stories with us! What a way to learn! :-)
Oh, and my husband has taken several business trips and my mom likes to travel internationally, too. My daughter and I have gotten to tag along with my sister-in-law on her work trips twice in the past year (once to Iowa/Wisconsin and once to San Diego) and we'll be going on one of her work trips again this summer when we go to Ireland & Scotland.
Dana Leeds, At
May 3, 2009 at 10:06 AM
Thank you much for sharing. We use Beyond Little Hearts for His Glory curriculum, and we are learning about the Pilgrims travels from England to Holland and then later to America. This is a great supplement to our study.
Many blessings!
mycobabe, At
October 19, 2010 at 1:04 PM
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