Knights and Castles Lapbook
A few weeks ago we read Knight Before Dawn by Mary Pope Osborne as part of our study of Great Britain (I know...great literature, but the kids love it!). While I was looking for a study guide and some lapbook ideas to go along with our studies I came across a study guide also by Osborne called Knights And Castles (Magic Tree House Research Guide)
. The book simply breaks down everything about knights and castles and has illustrations and side comments from Jack and Annie also. The girls really enjoyed using it and it made it much easier to get them to sit still and focus on the things we were learning about.
Homeschool Share also has several different levels of knight lapbook components that you can pick and choose from depending on your child's age/level. They also have a unit study along with the lapbook pieces to use as you go along. We used some from Homeschool Share and the bulk from Osborne's Knights And Castles
. Only after we did our unit did I realize that Homeschool Share has chapter by chapter minit books based on Osbornes book {sigh}.
Here's how we broke up our week:
The picture of the fainting man
Some great resources on knights and castles:

Homeschool Share also has several different levels of knight lapbook components that you can pick and choose from depending on your child's age/level. They also have a unit study along with the lapbook pieces to use as you go along. We used some from Homeschool Share and the bulk from Osborne's Knights And Castles
Here's how we broke up our week:
- Reviewed what we had learned about knights/castles from prior study: Middle Ages, protecting a castle, castle life, and festivals and fairs
- Life of a Knight tab book: stages in how to become a knight: page, squire, knight
- Label the castle: portcullis, tower, parapet, moat, drawbridge, merlon, and crenel
- Colored pieces of our castle we were making (DLTK site)
- Learned about different types of armor and weapons that knights used
- Labeled a knight's armor: helmet, chest & back plates, arm plates, thigh plates, foot plates, shoulder plates, gloves, and calf plates
- Identified different weapons flapbook: sword, lance, battle axe, flail, crossbow
- Talked about where knights lived and a little about castles and how they were built
- Finished the castle - the below picture shows the fair maiden Polly Pocket in her dwelling
- Talked about battles and seiges
- How to joust and win - i.e. how to score and get the most points
- Learned about the three steeds of a knight: palfrey, destrier, and pack horse
- Vocabulary: page, squire, code of chivalry, moat, merlon, crenel, sentry, armor, serf, pilgrimage, and dubbing ceremony
- Lapbook cover
- Wrote about knights and castles (you have to see the pictures below for a good laugh - Laurianna's involved a fainting man who saw a knight and was surprised)
- Put lapbook together and had fun using Polly Pockets as the castle maidens - you have to use what you have!
- Hoernersburg Lego's all legos (and I think I have free time....)
- Castles for Kids - talks about the parts of a castle and also has other links to real castles, even some for sale should you be in the market for one
- Kid's Castle - our girls had fun on this site exploring different areas: dragonsville, the great tower, the guardroom, gatehouse and more
The picture of the fainting man
Some great resources on knights and castles:
Labels: Great Britain, Knights and Castles, Lapbooks
I'm so impressed with the lap books and drawings!
Great job girls!
What grade are they both in?
Blessings and grace,
Unknown, At
March 6, 2009 at 7:31 AM
Excellent job!!! We are going to be doing a unit on Knights and Castles soon too, so this is great that my boys can come and check out what you have done, it will get their creative juices going.
God Bless
Ladues of the North, At
March 6, 2009 at 7:11 PM
YOu rock.
I think I have said that. I began setting up the notebooks today and am making some long term plans.
We are only going to do GTG 3 days a week, so do you think most countries will need 3 or 4 weeks? (9 or 12 lessons) Looks like some could go on for 4 easily, but others (S. Korea) seem shorter....
Mary@notbefore7, At
March 7, 2009 at 2:37 PM
What a great study! I just found you through Google and your post (and all of the great links!!!) will really help as we prepare to study castles in the next few weeks. This is a special study for us, because we will be visiting castles in Ireland and Scotland this summer! We are so excited and, of course, we need to learn more about castles before our trip. :-)
Thanks for the links and photos! And, I'll be posting about our trip later this summer.
Dana Leeds, At
May 3, 2009 at 9:53 AM
Just for others who may do this - Hands of a Child recently came out with two castle/medieveal time period lapbooks (one for older and one for younger ages). Those of us who are super members got them free. I am sure some of them or all of them would work with this as well.
And if you live in or near northwest Arkansas, they are building/recreating a medieval French castle here! Completely authentic using authentic tools and materials and taking 20 years to build it. All materials (stone and timber) are being provided by the land. COOL field trip!
Kori, At
July 21, 2010 at 5:21 PM
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